23.02 - 15:43
Magnetic storm: what it is and how its power affects the Earth| Здоровье
![]() Magnetic storm: what it is and how its power affects the Earth Magnetic storms are phenomena that cause significant changes in the Earth's magnetic field. They arise due to the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetic field of our planet. The solar wind, which consists of charged particles, periodically hits the Earth in powerful streams that can lead to various phenomena, including magnetic storms. And although such storms can be imperceptible to humans, they have a serious impact on technology, navigation systems, and human health. Magnetic storms occur when solar activity reaches a high level. In particular, solar mass ejections or coronal ejections can cause intense shocks in the Earth's magnetic field. The stronger this shock, the more powerful the storm. The strength of the storm is measured on a scale that takes into account the magnitude of the disturbance in the geomagnetic activity indices. According to this scale, several levels of storm are distinguished: from weak to very strong. According to NASA, magnetic storms can have varying degrees of impact on technology and people. Powerful storms can cause disruptions in satellite systems, GPS navigation, and telecommunications. This is especially problematic for aviation, where powerful storms can disrupt radio communications at high altitudes. In addition, magnetic storms can damage transformers and electrical networks, causing power outages in large areas. Magnetic storms can also have a negative impact on human health. Scientists have recorded a connection between magnetic activity and worsening well-being in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases or weather dependence. People may experience headaches, dizziness, increased nervousness, and sleep disturbances. Therefore, doctors advise people with such problems to be careful during strong magnetic storms. Recent studies show that even weaker magnetic storms can have a noticeable effect on human activity. They affect mental activity, concentration, and can also cause irritability and fatigue. Such storms can also change the behavior of animals, affecting their orientation and behavioral responses. The strength of magnetic storms depends on the cyclicity of solar activity. According to NASA, every 11 years the Sun experiences a maximum of solar activity, which is accompanied by an increase in the probability of strong magnetic storms. This can cause an increase in the number of storms that affect the Earth, creating additional challenges for our technology and health. Magnetic storms are a natural phenomenon that is being studied more and more deeply over time. Understanding how these storms affect the Earth helps scientists develop new technologies to protect against their negative consequences. Therefore, it is important to monitor forecasts of geomagnetic activity and be prepared for possible changes that may occur as a result of powerful solar storms Ключевые слова:
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