27.12 - 20:45
The dangers of consuming prunes: doctor's recommendations| Здоровье
![]() The dangers of consuming prunes: doctor's recommendations Prunes, known as a tasty and healthy product, can also have certain negative health effects. As noted by nutritionist Olena Koval, this dried fruit is not always an ideal option for the daily diet. She emphasizes the importance of caution in consuming prunes, especially for certain groups of people. Firstly, prunes contain a large amount of natural sugars that can increase blood glucose levels. This is especially important for people with diabetes or prediabetes. Excessive consumption can lead to a rapid increase in sugar levels, which will make it difficult to control the disease. Secondly, prunes have a strong laxative effect due to their high fiber content. While this property may be beneficial for people suffering from constipation, it can cause digestive problems in others, such as diarrhea or abdominal pain. The doctor recommends consuming prunes in moderation and monitoring the body's reaction. In addition, it is important to consider the amount of prunes consumed. A large amount of this product can contribute to an increase in the calorie content of the diet, which can lead to weight gain. This issue is especially important for people who are trying to maintain or reduce their weight. It is equally important to pay attention to possible allergic reactions. Although allergies to prunes are rare, some people may have an individual intolerance to this product, which manifests itself in the form of itching, rash or other symptoms. The doctor advises to carefully introduce prunes into the diet and observe possible reactions of the body. Lena Koval also emphasizes that the consumption of prunes should not replace variety in the diet. To obtain a full range of nutrients, it is important to consume different types of fruits, vegetables and other products. Prunes can be part of a healthy diet, but you should not rely on them as the main source of vitamins and minerals. Thus, although prunes have their advantages, their consumption should be carried out with caution. It is recommended to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the advice of a doctor in order to avoid possible negative health consequences. Ключевые слова:
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