05.08 - 12:28

Nail extensions: safety, means and step-by-step guide


Nail extensions: safety, means and step-by-step guide

Nail extensions are a popular procedure that allows you to have long, well-groomed nails, even if your own nails have not reached the desired length. However, before embarking on this journey, it is important to learn about the basic aspects related to safety, the choice of means and the correct technique.


First of all, before starting any procedure related to nail extensions, it is important to make sure that you are working in a clean environment and with disinfected tools. This will help avoid possible infections and protect your nails from damage.

To ensure safety, it is also important to follow the instructions for using nail extensions. For example, glue should be applied in a thin layer and avoid contact with the skin around the nails to avoid allergic reactions and irritations.


For nail extensions, you will need a variety of materials such as extension forms, acrylic or gel materials, files, and nail care tools. It is important to choose high-quality products from well-known manufacturers in order to avoid quality and safety problems.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Start by preparing the nails: remove the old coating and trim the nails to the desired length.
  2. Apply the extension mold to each nail to create a base for further extensions.
  3. Apply glue to the nail bed and attach the form to it, keeping it in the correct position.
  4. Apply acrylic or gel material to the nail bed and form, creating the desired shape of the nail.
  5. After the material has hardened, shape the nails, remove the forms and apply an additional decorative coating, if necessary.
  6. Finish off with a top coat for shine and durability.
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