02.02 - 19:01

Consequences of careless dental care


Consequences of careless dental care

Patients often worry about their teeth, believing that their main obligation is thorough cleaning. But what if you decide to kick the habit? Dental experts warn that the consequences can be serious.

Let's start with the fact that thorough brushing is a key element in maintaining oral health. If you refuse this procedure, bacteria and food residues accumulate on the surface of the teeth, which can lead to the development of caries and other diseases.

In addition, insufficient hygiene causes problems with the gums. Gingivitis can lead to bleeding, bad breath and loss of tooth enamel. It can also contribute to periodontal disease, a chronic disease that can lead to tooth loss.

It is important to note that the negative impact of careless dental care can be manifested not only in oral health, but also have an impact on the general condition of the body. Some studies have linked poor oral hygiene to certain cardiovascular diseases and other problems.

It is also necessary to take into account that regular visits to the dentist are important for prevention and early detection of problems. If you refuse to brush your teeth, the risk of developing serious diseases may increase.

In conclusion, failure to take good care of the teeth can lead to serious consequences for oral and general health. It is important to remember that prevention is the key to maintaining health, and regular visits to the dentist and learning the rules of oral hygiene are necessary to ensure quality dental care.

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