27.04 - 10:33

Breakfast that can reduce the risk of baldness: recommendations from doctors


Breakfast that can reduce the risk of baldness: recommendations from doctors

In the modern world, baldness is becoming an increasingly common problem that affects a person's physical and mental health. Fortunately, scientists are constantly researching methods to prevent this problem, and new studies indicate that a regular breakfast can make a big difference to hair health.

According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Research and Innovation, regularly consuming a protein-rich breakfast can reduce the risk of male pattern baldness. Proteins found in foods such as eggs, meat, fish, and soy products help keep hair strong and healthy.

In addition, it is important to include in the diet foods rich in vitamins and minerals that contribute to hair health. In particular, vitamin D, iron, zinc and biotin are known for their beneficial properties for strengthening hair and reducing hair loss.

Doctors recommend eating a variety of foods for breakfast to provide the body with the necessary nutrients. For example, a fruit and vegetable smoothie with added nuts or seeds can be a great option for breakfast that helps strengthen hair.

It is also important to pay attention to your stress level, as stress can be one of the causes of baldness. Regular meditation, exercise, or simply relaxing can help reduce stress and improve hair health.

Overall, proper nutrition and stress management can play a key role in preventing baldness. Knowing what foods to include in your diet and how to properly care for your hair can help everyone keep their hair healthy and beautiful for a long time.

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