27.08 - 12:13
Does it make sense to do permanent laser hair removal| Красота
![]() Does it make sense to do permanent laser hair removal Even though we see more and more women sticking to their natural body care, it has to be said that most of us girls still rely on smooth legs, underarms and a hair-free private area. Everyone has to decide this for themselves, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. So, if you are tired of body hair, laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of removing it permanently. A proven method of hair removal During laser epilation, the selected area of the skin is treated with countless small laser pulses. The laser light penetrates the upper layer of the skin without leaving any damage. When the pulses affect the hair pigments, melanin, the laser light turns into heat. Thermal energy is transmitted to the hair follicles and destroys them. If the hair follicle is neutralized in this way, no more hair will grow from it. If laser hair removal is repeated several times, all hair follicles in the affected area of the skin are gradually destroyed. The result is permanent. New hair growth cannot occur at this point for a long time. How many procedures are needed Not all hair follicles can be destroyed by laser hair removal in one treatment session. The reason for this is that removal can only be successful if the hair is currently in the growth phase. Therefore, laser epilation must be repeated on the corresponding skin area with an interval of several weeks. This ensures that the laser reaches all hairs in their growth phase. The required number of procedures depends on several factors: - treated skin areas; - thickness, texture and pigmentation of your hair. Before laser hair removal, the expected number of treatment sessions is determined in the treatment plan. Laser hair removal is relatively painless Compared to other methods of hair removal, such as waxing, a significant advantage of laser hair removal is a relatively low level of pain. Any side effects such as redness or rare allergic reactions usually disappear after a few hours or days. In order to avoid complications during laser epilation, you should not sunbathe on the skin. Therefore, a few weeks before the treatment, you should avoid sunbathing and visiting the solarium. A professionally performed laser hair removal procedure is one of the low-risk methods. Ключевые слова:
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