16.08 - 21:14
What to do if you get a piece of dirt in your eye: practical tips| Красота
![]() What to do if you get a piece of dirt in your eye: practical tips Incidents with foreign particles entering the eye can be a source of considerable discomfort and even a threat to health. A piece of debris or other small object can cause irritation, pain or even damage to the eye. Therefore, it is important to know how to act correctly in such a situation. First of all, it is important not to panic. Most often, debris in the eye can be removed without medical help. It is important to avoid rubbing the eye with your hands, as this can worsen the situation and cause damage to the cornea. Instead, try rinsing your eye with water. For this, it is best to use clean, room temperature water, which will help wash away the particle. If washing with water did not help, you should check whether the debris has not got under the eyelid. To do this, carefully pull back the upper eyelid and look at the lower one. Sometimes the debris can be removed with a clean piece of cloth or a sterile cotton swab. It is important not to use sharp objects or other means that can injure the eye. If you experience significant pain or irritation, or if a particle is still in your eye after trying to wash it out, you should see a doctor. A specialist will be able to conduct a thorough examination and, if necessary, apply professional methods to remove the particle and treat possible damage. Another recommendation is to protect the eyes from further injuries. After removing the debris, avoid exposure to bright light or prolonged use of screens, which can cause further irritation. It is also important to watch for symptoms such as redness, swelling or blurred vision and seek medical attention if necessary. Remember that a timely and correct response to debris in the eye can help avoid serious complications. Simple steps such as rinsing with water and gently removing the particle can provide quick relief and keep your eyes healthy. Ключевые слова:
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