07.08 - 15:40
Why hair may fall out in the summer: reasons and tips| Красота
Why hair may fall out in the summer: reasons and tips In the summer, many people notice increased hair loss, which can be quite alarming. Although this may seem surprising, there are actually several scientifically sound reasons that explain this phenomenon. One of the main reasons is seasonality. In summer, due to high temperatures and strong sun, our hair follicles become more vulnerable. Ultraviolet radiation can damage hair, making it brittle and prone to shedding. In addition, under the influence of heat, the scalp can suffer from overheating, which also negatively affects the health of the hair. Some people notice that they lose more hair in the summer due to stressful situations related to climate change or changes in their normal daily routine. Stress can trigger so-called telogen hair loss, when a large amount of hair goes into the resting phase at the same time and then falls out after 1-3 months. Also, the diet of many people changes in the summer. People are starting to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, which, although good for overall health, can affect the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. A deficiency of important trace elements such as iron or zinc can lead to hair loss. Special attention should also be paid to the effect of sea water and chlorinated water in swimming pools on the condition of the hair. Their chemical components can cause dryness and irritation of the scalp, which, in turn, can lead to increased hair loss. Finally, in the summer, many people use more styling tools, such as hair dryers, curling irons or hairsprays, which can also have a negative effect on their condition and health. Thermal effects and chemical components of some products can lead to increased hair loss and deterioration of their structure. In general, hair loss in summer can be the result of a complex of factors that should be taken into account in order to maintain hair health. To reduce its effects, it is recommended to avoid heat and chemical exposure, follow a balanced diet and avoid stressful situations. Ключевые слова:
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