24.07 - 10:35
Causes of premature gray hair: the role of B vitamins| Красота
![]() Causes of premature gray hair: the role of B vitamins Premature gray hair is always a concern for many people, especially at a young age. Recent studies have shown that one of the possible causes of this phenomenon is the lack of B vitamins in the body. B vitamins play a key role in hair health, including its natural color, and a lack of these nutrients can contribute to premature graying. B vitamins include various substances such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 ( cyanocobalamin). Each of these vitamins is important for hair health, and their deficiency can lead to various problems, including the appearance of gray hair. One of the reasons for the lack of B vitamins can be inadequate nutrition. Overly processed foods and excessive consumption of harmful fats and sugars can deprive the body of necessary nutrients, including vitamins. Many of us do not get enough vitamins through our regular diet, which can affect the health of our hair. In addition to nutrition, genetic factors can affect premature gray hair. If you have a family history of early gray hair, chances are that you will also experience this phenomenon. However, genetics is not the only determining factor, and a lack of B vitamins can exacerbate this process. Lack of B vitamins can also be related to stress. Stress affects the level of various nutrients in the body, including B vitamins, and can lead to their deficiency. Considering the modern rhythm of life and the high level of stress in many people, this aspect plays a significant role in the health of the hair and the general condition of the body. Ключевые слова:
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