28.06 - 19:41

Scientists have identified the most useful products for people with diabetes


Scientists have identified the most useful products for people with diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease that requires attention to nutrition. Scientists are investigating the effects of different foods on blood sugar levels to help people with diabetes manage their condition. Recent studies indicate that certain foods may be particularly beneficial for these patients.

Vegetables have become one of the most recommended foods for people with diabetes. Rich in fiber and low on the glycemic index, vegetables help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications. Broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and eggplants are especially useful.

Proteins are another important component of diabetic nutrition. Despite the fact that carbohydrates have a negative effect on the level of sugar in the blood, proteins, on the contrary, help to stabilize it. The best sources of protein for diabetics are lean meats, fish, eggs, and soy products.

Seeds and nuts are also important in the diet of diabetics. They contain healthy fats, fiber and protein, which help control blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation in the body. The best options include nuts, flax seeds, chia and hemp.

Fruits can also be part of a healthy diet for people with diabetes, but it's important to choose those that are low in sugar. Berries, apples, and pears are some of the best choices. Such fruits have less impact on blood sugar levels because they contain a lot of fiber.

Finally, whole grains are an important source of energy for people with diabetes. They contain complex carbohydrates that are absorbed slowly, which helps to avoid sudden changes in blood sugar. Whole grains such as oats, barley and brown rice are also rich in fiber, which helps with digestion and blood sugar control.

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