26.06 - 10:24

Myths about foams for washing: what to believe and what not. Advice from experts


Myths about foams for washing: what to believe and what not. Advice from experts.

Foaming cleansers are always the center of attention in the beauty industry. They promise quick and effective skin cleansing, moisturizing and refreshing. But should we believe all these promises?

  1. One of the most common myths about washing foams is their ability to produce no foam at all. Many people believe that a lot of foam is necessary for the product to be effective. However, this is not the case. If a product doesn't lather, it doesn't mean it's not cleansing the skin properly.
  2. Another myth is that foams for washing are always suitable for all skin types. In reality it is not so. Many foams contain ingredients that can be harsh on dry or sensitive skin. Therefore, it is important to choose a product that is suitable for your skin type.
  3. An equally important myth is that foams for washing should always be very foamy. In reality it is not so. Many products have a light foam, but this does not mean that they are less effective. On the contrary, a light foam can be less aggressive to the skin.
  4. Experts advise to pay attention to the composition of the product, and not to the amount of foam it produces. It is important that the foam for washing is soft and does not dry out the skin. Therefore, you should avoid products with aggressive cleaning components, such as sulfates.

In conclusion, you should not believe all the myths about foams for washing. It is important to pay attention to the ingredients and properties of the product, not just its foaming ability. Choose products that are suitable for your skin type and do not overdry it.

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