18.04 - 06:52

Butter, cottage cheese, lemon: home remedies that will help rejuvenate your face


Butter, cottage cheese, lemon: home remedies that will help rejuvenate your face

Natural products such as butter, sour cream and lemon can be excellent means of cooling the face, especially in summer or on a hot day. They help to restore freshness and a healthy look to the skin of the face, relieving burns and irritation. Find out how you can use these products to create homemade facial cooling products and what benefits they have.

  1. Butter is an excellent means for moisturizing and cooling the skin of the face. It can be used on its own or added to other ingredients to increase its effectiveness. To use butter as a cooling agent, simply apply a thin layer to your face and massage for a while. After that, you can wash off the remaining oil with warm water or leave it overnight.
  2. Sour cream also has skin moisturizing and cooling properties. It has a light texture and is quickly absorbed without leaving any greasiness on the skin. To take advantage of the beneficial properties of sour cream, apply it to your face in a thin layer and leave it for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.
  3. Lemon juice has the property of refreshing and toning the skin. It can be used as part of tonics or face masks. To make a lemon juice tonic, mix one part juice with three parts water and apply it to your face with a cotton ball. For a lemon juice mask, mix the juice with honey and apply to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.
  4. Aloe vera is another well-known remedy for moisturizing and cooling the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps soothe irritated skin. To use aloe vera, simply tear the leaf apart and rub the contents onto your face. You can also use aloe vera gel, which is sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores.
  5. Cucumber is another remedy that will help you cool your face. It has the ability to relieve swelling and irritation. Just cut a cucumber into thin circles and apply them to the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes. You can also mix a cucumber in a blender and apply the resulting mass to the skin as a mask.
  6. Green tea is an additional means for cooling and soothing the skin of the face. It contains antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and improve skin condition. To use green tea as a toner, simply make an infusion, let it cool and apply it to your face with a cotton pad.
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