16.04 - 10:19
Danger in disinfectants: how they can affect human health| Красота
![]() Danger in disinfectants: how they can affect human health Disinfectants used to combat harmful microorganisms can have a negative impact on human health. Studies show that popular disinfectants can lead to brain cell death. One such agent is the well-known disinfectant based on acetylhexamethylenetetramine (AHTM). A study conducted by a university laboratory showed that this agent can damage brain cells in mice. The scientists found that after AHTM was injected into the brains of mice, pronounced cell death was observed, especially in the hippocampus, an important part of the brain responsible for memory and learning. Some other studies also confirm the harmful effects of some disinfectants on brain cells. For example, some disinfectants that contain chlorine can release chloramines, which are potentially dangerous to the respiratory system and brain. Disinfectants should be used with caution, especially in areas where children and people with weakened immune systems are present. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct use of disinfectants and safety rules. Any use of disinfectants must be justified and meet the need to protect against infectious diseases. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the possible risk to health, in particular to brain cells, and if necessary, use less harmful alternatives. Ключевые слова:
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