15.04 - 10:38
Depression and nutrition linked: what the research says| Красота
![]() Depression and nutrition linked: what the research says Recent studies have shown that there is a direct link between depression and nutrition. A person's mental state can significantly affect his choice of food and eating habits, as well as the body's ability to absorb nutrients from food. According to a study conducted by Stanford University, people suffering from depression tend to consume less vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Instead, they prefer high-calorie and high-carbohydrate foods, which can lead to excess weight and other health problems. This study provided important findings for society, as it highlighted the importance of psychological health for a healthy lifestyle. In particular, it points to the need to develop psychological support programs for people with depression so that they can maintain a healthy diet and reduce the risk of disease. In addition, the study highlighted the importance of education about healthy eating among at-risk groups such as people with depression. Information about how to eat properly to maintain mental and physical health can make their lives much easier and improve their overall health. In further studies, scientists plan to study in more detail the influence of depression on eating habits and the development of obesity. This will help to develop more effective strategies to prevent and treat these problems in people with mental disorders. Understanding the relationship between depression and nutrition opens up new opportunities to improve quality nutrition and mental health. Understanding these relationships can help improve strategies for treating depression and preventing eating disorders, ensuring better health for society as a whole. Ключевые слова:
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