13.04 - 14:02
Breakfast is considered one of the most important meals during the day.| Красота
The importance of breakfast for health: opinions of nutritionists Breakfast is considered one of the most important meals during the day. This is the first meal after the night, when the body is in a state of hunger. Nutritionists prove that a regular breakfast has a significant impact on a person's health and efficiency during the day. According to research, people who eat breakfast tend to lose weight because they are less likely to snack later in the day. In addition, breakfast provides the necessary energy to start the day and improves brain function. It is important that the breakfast is balanced and contains a variety of products. Nutritionists recommend including a lot of fruits and vegetables, cereal products, proteins and healthy fats at breakfast. This will help provide the body with the necessary nutrients at the beginning of the day. Many people believe that skipping breakfast will help them save time and reduce the number of calories consumed. However, this can actually lead to overeating later in the day, which has a negative impact on health. For many people, especially children and teenagers, breakfast is a source of essential vitamins and minerals. It also helps improve memory, concentration and mood. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that everyone not miss this important meal. In general, breakfast is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. It helps maintain energy and concentration throughout the day, improves mood and promotes healthy eating. Therefore, you should pay attention to this meal and make it mandatory every day.
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