10.04 - 17:24

The most common makeup mistakes that add age: Never do this


The most common makeup mistakes that add age: Never do this

In the world of beauty and makeup, there are many rules that help us look fresh, young and attractive. However, violation of these rules can significantly affect the visual age of the face, adding tens of years. Today we're going to look at the most common makeup mistakes that can make us look older than we really are.

The first mistake is abusing foundation. A large amount of tonal cream on the face creates the feeling of a mask, emphasizes wrinkles and skin imperfections. It is better to use products with a light texture and apply them in a thin layer.

The second mistake is the wrong choice of lipstick color. Dark shades emphasize wrinkles around the lips, while bright colors can make the face look heavy and old. It is worth choosing natural shades or lipstick with sparkles, which will add freshness to the face.

The third mistake is insufficient attention to eyebrows. They frame the face and affect its overall appearance. Excessively thin or incorrectly selected eyebrow shapes can make the face look stern and older. For a natural look, it is recommended to use special eyebrow products and follow their natural shape.

The fourth mistake is the use of inappropriate eye makeup. A dark shade of shadow around the eyes can make them less expressive and emphasize wrinkles. It is better to use lighter shades of shadows and eyeliner, which will emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes.

The fifth mistake is ignoring the use of facial cosmetics. Corrector, bronzer and blush can have a great effect on the shape of the face and add freshness to it. However, inept choice of shades or excessive application can look artificial and add age.

And, finally, the sixth mistake - imperfect application of makeup. Even if you use the best cosmetics, improperly applied makeup can ruin the whole look. It is important to spend time on the correct application of each product, emphasizing the naturalness and harmony of the image.

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