05.04 - 16:20

Ways to prevent thrombosis: tips to reduce risks


Ways to prevent thrombosis: tips to reduce risks

Thrombosis is a condition where blood clots form in blood vessels, which can lead to serious complications, including stroke or heart attack. This condition is one of the leading causes of death in the world, so it is important to know how to reduce the risks of its occurrence.

One of the ways to prevent thrombosis is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity can improve blood circulation and reduce the chance of blood clots. At least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity each day is recommended.

It is also very important to monitor your weight and nutrition. Excess weight can increase the risk of thrombosis, so it is recommended to follow a balanced diet, limit the consumption of fats and sugars, and give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse.

To prevent thrombosis, it is also important to avoid prolonged sitting or standing in one position. If necessary, it is recommended to take breaks to perform simple exercises to improve blood circulation.

Special attention should be paid to pregnant women, as they have an increased risk of thrombosis. Pregnant women are recommended to perform special exercises to support blood circulation, wear compression knitwear and monitor their weight.

Finally, medications such as anticoagulants can be used to reduce the risk of thrombosis if prescribed by a doctor. It is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and monitor your health.

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