31.03 - 21:47

The danger of drinking coffee on an empty stomach: what doctors say about it


The danger of drinking coffee on an empty stomach: what doctors say about it

Everyone knows that coffee is a great way to start the day. However, not everyone knows that drinking this drink on an empty stomach can have a negative impact on health. Medical experts warn about the possible risks associated with this practice.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies show that a large amount of caffeine that a person consumes in the morning without food can lead to an increase in blood pressure and even contribute to the development of arrhythmia.

It is also important to note that coffee on an empty stomach can affect the work of the stomach and intestines. This can lead to various stomach problems such as ulcers and dyspepsia. It is also worth considering that caffeine can stimulate the production of gastric juice, which can cause additional problems.

In addition, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can affect mental health. Caffeine can increase stress and anxiety levels, which can affect a person's emotional state throughout the day. This is especially important in the modern rhythm of life, when stress and anxiety become an integral part of many people.

Doctors recommend to avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach for those suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, hypertension and heart disease. To reduce possible risks, it is better to consume coffee after meals or reduce the amount of caffeine consumed.

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