27.03 - 21:16

What you need to know about gynecological surgery


What you need to know about gynecological surgery

Women may need surgery from a gynecological surgeon at different times of their lives for different reasons. A young woman may need to have an ovarian cyst or fibroid removed to become pregnant. An elderly woman may need a hysterectomy. Surgery may be used to treat pelvic pain caused by endometriosis and abnormal uterine bleeding. Finding an experienced gynecologic surgeon that meets all of your needs and requirements can be difficult. However, with the right approach and understanding, a gynecologist-surgeon can perform a high-quality and professional examination and treatment.

Who is a gynecological surgeon?

Although non-surgical treatment is usually the first line of defense for most conditions, in some cases surgery may be the best option. The peculiarities of the profession of a gynecologist-surgeon are high responsibility for the health and life of patients, complex operations on reproductive organs and constant improvement of one's skills. In order to become a gynecologist-surgeon, a doctor must undergo special postgraduate training and have extensive experience in performing surgical interventions.

When gynecological surgery is required

As mentioned above, non-surgical treatment options are usually tried first. Depending on the specific condition you're dealing with, your doctor may recommend a wide range of treatments, which may include oral or injectable medications, heat or cold therapy, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes.

If these options do not help relieve your symptoms or your condition worsens, your doctor may suggest a surgical procedure. Surgical procedures are often a treatment option for a variety of conditions and symptoms, including:

  1. Myoma of the uterus
  2. Endometriosis
  3. Prolapse of the pelvic organs
  4. Abnormal uterine bleeding
  5. Pain and discomfort in the pelvis

Every patient is unique and every set of circumstances and medical history is different. During a consultation with a surgeon-gynecologist, you will be able to decide whether this option is suitable for your specific case.

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