27.03 - 11:40

6 ways to improve the quality of the skin around the eyes without visiting a beautician


6 ways to improve the quality of the skin around the eyes without visiting a beautician

Of course, many people want to have flawless skin, especially around the eyes, but it is not always possible to consult a specialist. Regardless of whether your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals, or you're getting enough sleep and water, sometimes the skin around your eyes looks tired and dry. However, there are some simple and effective ways to improve her condition at home.

  1. Use moisturizing creams. Moisturizing plays an important role in keeping the skin young, especially around the eyes. Choose a cream that contains hyaluronic acid or aloe vera, these components will help retain moisture in the skin.
  2. Massage. Apply the cream daily to the skin around the eyes using small circular movements. This will contribute to better assimilation of the cream and improve blood microcirculation, which will improve the condition of the skin.
  3. Use of cooling agents. Apply compresses with chilled tea or ice. This will help reduce puffiness and improve skin tone.
  4. Use of serum. Serums contain active components that help maintain the health and youth of the skin. Choose a serum with vitamin C or retinol.
  5. Maintaining a balanced diet. A healthy diet affects the condition of the skin. Try to include a lot of fruits, vegetables, cereals and protein products in your diet.
  6. Sun protection. Use a cream with a high SPF to protect your skin from UV rays, which can damage collagen and cause wrinkles.

Don't forget that improving your skin takes time. Take care of your skin, follow the above tips and you will see results.

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