21.03 - 10:44

Stroke: why women are more at risk than men


Stroke: why women are more at risk than men

Women are more likely to have a stroke than men. This is a fact that has been studied for decades. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stroke is the leading cause of death and disability among women worldwide. Why does this affect women in particular, and what can be done to reduce this risk?

One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is prolonged stress. Women experience anxiety and depression more often than men, which can lead to increased stress levels. A high level of stress can contribute to the development of arterial hypertension, which is one of the main risk factors for stroke.

Some physiological features of the female body can also increase the risk of stroke. For example, pregnancy and menopause can change the level of hormones in a woman's body, which can affect the state of her vascular system and increase the risk of stroke.

An unhealthy lifestyle can also increase the risk of stroke in women. Irregular diet, insufficient physical activity and use of harmful substances such as alcohol and nicotine can increase the risk of stroke.

However, there are ways to reduce the risk of stroke in women. Regular physical activity can improve the condition of the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of arterial hypertension. Eating right, avoiding bad habits, and managing stress levels can also help reduce the risk of stroke.

So, stroke is a serious disease that can affect the quality of life of women. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle, regular medical examinations and timely help can help reduce the risk of this disease and preserve health for many years.

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