19.01 - 09:22
Postprandial sleepiness: Potential causes and importance of follow-up| Красота
Postprandial sleepiness: Potential causes and importance of follow-up After lunch or dinner, there is always a desire to take a short break or at least rest more. For many, it becomes a daily ritual, but sometimes sleepiness after eating can indicate more serious health problems. One of the possible causes of sleepiness after eating is a sharp increase in blood sugar. After eating food, the body begins to process it into glucose, which can cause a temporary increase in energy, but also a subsequent drop in sugar levels, which causes drowsiness. Another possible cause is the preponderance of carbohydrates in the diet, especially simple carbohydrates. Such a diet can lead to rapid release of insulin and fatigue of the body, contributing to sleepiness. It is also important to pay attention to the possible effect of certain products on sleep. For example, foods rich in tryptophan can promote the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin, which affects sleepiness. The possibility of diseases, such as celiac disease or chronic fatigue, which can manifest themselves precisely because of drowsiness after eating, should not be excluded. To determine the exact cause, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Avoiding overeating, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining a regular physical activity lifestyle can be effective ways to manage postprandial sleepiness. A balanced approach to nutrition and studying the individual characteristics of the body will help maintain excellent physical and mental health.
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