16.01 - 20:36

Eyebrow trends 2024: New dimensions of naturalness and expressiveness


Eyebrow trends 2024: New dimensions of naturalness and expressiveness

In 2024, the world of make-up obeyed fresh trends in the form of eyebrows, which mark a return to naturalness and expressiveness. New standards determine that eyebrows become a key element of the face, refining its shape and giving it natural beauty.

Naturalness is the main trend this year. Forget about thin lines and distortions, now it is desirable to maintain the natural shape of the eyebrows, only slightly emphasizing their contour. It creates an impression of natural beauty and ease.

Discolored eyebrows take center stage in the new definition of elegance. Bleached eyebrows have become popular again and are bringing the atmosphere of the 1990s into the new year. A haircut that removes excess hair creates a feeling of lightness and luxury, emphasizing the texture of the face and expressiveness of the look.

Fluffy eyebrow shapes are back in fashion, giving the face additional softness and femininity. This is a retro variant of fluffy eyebrows, for which we will need several tools: wax, eyebrow soap and gel. Well-groomed and natural-looking fluffy eyebrows become a symbol of elegance and individuality.

Thin eyebrows are back, but with a new execution. Instead of skewed lines, the thin eyebrows of 2024 look more structured and sophisticated. They are now not quite the same as before: they are plucked closer to the end of the eyebrows, and not along the entire length.

A variety of colors in eyebrow trends is also celebrated in 2024. From natural shades to unexpected color experiments, eyebrows become a platform for creative expression and individuality. This approach opens up wide opportunities for choosing what is best for you.


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