15.01 - 17:27

Kidney stones: Causes and prevention


Kidney stones: Causes and prevention

Kidney stones are a common problem that can happen to anyone. These hard formations in the kidneys can cause pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. To understand why they appear, it is necessary to consider several main reasons.

The first reason is a violation of the balance between various substances in the urine. Urinary stones are usually formed due to an excessive content of calcium, oxalates or phosphates. The balance of these substances is disturbed by various factors, such as nutrition, genetics or insufficient water consumption.

The second reason is insufficient fluid intake. Water plays a key role in dissolving substances in urine. When the body does not receive enough fluid, the concentration of various salts in the urine increases, contributing to the formation of stones.

However, there are effective ways to prevent this problem. First of all, it is important to maintain a balanced diet, avoiding excessive calcium and salt intake. Regular water consumption is also an important factor in preventing stone formation.

In addition, regular medical examinations and consultations with a doctor can help identify factors that contribute to the formation of kidney stones in time. If necessary, the doctor can recommend specific changes in lifestyle and diet to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon.

Being aware of the causes of kidney stones and taking precautions can significantly reduce the risk of this condition. Maintain a balanced diet and maintain adequate fluid levels to maintain kidney health and avoid the discomfort associated with kidney stones.


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