20.11 - 21:40

Modern trends and disadvantages of outdated hairstyles: how to look stylish in 2023


Modern trends and disadvantages of outdated hairstyles: how to look stylish in 2023

Today's girls, seeking to increase the volume of their hair at the roots, often resort to a sloppy bun and other anti-trend hairstyles. It is worth considering that an exaggerated volume or a hairstyle with a corrugation can look appropriate only on a photo shoot, while in everyday life they become irrelevant. Stylists recommend limiting yourself to volume powder and a hair dryer, instead of heavy styling.

A change in the approach to accessories is also visible in the area of headbands. If earlier hairstyles in the Greek style and ribbons were a trendy accent, then modern stylists advise to refrain from complicated hairstyles. Headbands can remain part of the image, but their use should not be exaggerated, it is better to choose simple and elegant models. By the way, you should not completely abandon ribbons, bandages and rims, the main thing is to make them the main element and not to complement them with weaving and headdresses.

Another hairstyle that is losing its relevance is the French braid. Even if this is one of the most feminine hairstyles, stylists advise to be careful with a voluminous French braid. Instead, it is recommended to use pigtails or try to create a beautiful tail. By the way, stylists advise teenagers to experiment with kanekalon, which has become a trend this summer.

The sloppy bun that was popular last year may now look dated. This hairstyle can be acceptable at home, but for leaving the house it is better to choose more modern options. Smooth buns or a neat tail are recommended by stylists as an alternative, using gel or foam to preserve the natural effect.

Despite the main trend of recent years — naturalness in everything, many people continue to beg masters to make a complex multi-level haircut, which in itself is simply inconvenient in terms of maintaining the shape.

To stay on trend, it is important to follow the changes in the fashion world and choose hairstyles that reflect the latest trends. Modern beauty requires more restrained and elegant solutions, and choosing a hairstyle should meet these requirements.

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