16.11 - 12:26

The secret to longevity: rest and golf on the way to 86

The secret to longevity: rest and golf on the way to 86 A centenarian woman who ended her long career in golf has shared the secrets of her impressive longevity. Over many decades, she not only remained active in this elite sport, but also kept herself in excellent physical shape. This causes curiosity and interest to those who are looking for the keys to a long and healthy life. Janet Gibbs is 102 years old, and she has no regrets. Janet Gibbs was born in New Zealand in November 1921, days before the country's first radio program went on air, and then moved to Australia at the age of three. In the last century she played golf for about 50 years, worked as a nurse, raised three sons and moved across the world to Great Britain and back again to Australia. Now she lives in a nursing home. The life story of this woman is impressive: she continued to play golf even after reaching the age of 86. And her secret was not in complex diets or extreme training, but in the ability to find peace and pleasure in a game that is not only physically demanding, but also has a positive effect on the emotional state. An important element of this woman's longevity was the psychological aspect. Playing golf helped her find inner peace and harmony. The elements of strategy and tactics required by the game helped develop her mental abilities and kept her mind active. The social interaction provided by playing golf was also of great importance. It united people of different ages and social classes, creating a unique community. This woman not only preserved her physical health, but also remained an active part of society. In the end, her story became an inspiration for those who doubted their abilities for a long period of time in life. This is evidence that an active lifestyle, psychological fitness and social interaction can be important components for achieving longevity and inner happiness. Her main advice for people who want to live a long and healthy life is to just be happy. The things that make us happy, like fulfilling relationships, can be good for health and longevity. Thus, the story of this centenarian golfer becomes a well-known example of how to maintain activity and a positive attitude on the way to old age.
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