14.11 - 17:01

Yuliya Karpets: Ukrainian woman chosen as the most beautiful in Europe


Yuliya Karpets: Ukrainian woman chosen as the most beautiful in Europe

Italy witnessed the exciting beauty contest Miss Europe Continental, where the winner of the main crown was chosen from 36 representatives of European countries. This time the victory was won by Yuliya Karpets, who not only became the face of the competition, but is also proud of being recognized as the most beautiful in Europe.

Yulia, a model and blogger, was born and raised in the village of Stepan in the Rivne region. Her path to the title of Miss Europe Continental was highlighted by her grace and beauty. After winning, she happily announced to her followers on Instagram, where her blog has more than 13,000 followers.

In Julia's profile, you will find a large number of photos and videos from the competition, which she actively shared with her fans. Having discovered that her competitor in the super-final was a representative of Poland, Yulia said that they became inseparable friends and together cheered for each other's success.

Yuliya Karpets not only won the crown, but also shared her impressions of her path to victory: "There are fair beauty contests, but there are very few of them. Therefore, going to the contest, I understood that my chances were 50/50. I wanted to win, but it was more important for me to perform decently, regardless of the result. On the day of the competition, for some reason, I completely despaired of my victory, and even wrote to my friends about it. That is why I did not even prepare a speech. Having already stepped on the stage, I made a decision to simply get high from everything that happens, and as it will be, so it will be," Yulia shared.

This is not only Yulia's victory, but also the triumph of Ukrainian beauty and talent. Her success emphasizes the high level of representatives of Ukraine at international competitions. This is an important step for the Ukrainian model industry and a chance to show the world its uniqueness.

Ukraine is proud of Yulia not only as a beauty, but also as a representative of the young generation, which carries talent and confidence. This title becomes a source of inspiration for many young people in Ukraine, motivating them to great achievements in any field.

Miss Europe Continental is defined not only by appearance, but also by the cultural contribution and personality of each participant. Yuliya Karpets impressed the jury and the audience not only with her beauty, but also with her deep knowledge and presentation of Ukrainian culture, making Ukraine more magnificent in the Miss Europe Continental family

Thus, Yulia Karpets continues to confirm her beauty and talent, not only becoming the face of the competition, but also telling her success story, which inspires and makes Ukrainians proud.

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