11.11 - 19:27

Lviv surgeons: saving the hand and restoring life


Lviv surgeons: saving the hand and restoring life

The surgeons of the Lviv Hospital of St. Luke demonstrated impressive success, saving the hand of a 59-year-old woman from Prykarpattia, who suffered a terrible injury in a woodshed. The knives cut through four fingers and a bone, causing multiple fractures, bone and soft tissue defects, as well as damage to tendons, arteries and muscles.

Under the care of the skilled surgeons of the Lviv Hospital of St. Luke, the amazing story of the restoration of the hand of a 59-year-old resident of Prykarpattia, Galina Skorbach, took place. A woman's life suddenly changed when she fell under the blades of a chainsaw, which resulted in serious injuries to four fingers and a hand.

The surgeons faced difficulties, as Galina suffered multiple fractures. Despite severe injuries, doctors began an intensive course of treatment. Nine months of patience, perseverance and professionalism of doctors brought their results. After a successful operation and a detailed rehabilitation period, Galina Skorbach returned to everyday life. This impressive recovery ensured her not only health, but also the ability to return to her favorite occupation - embroidery.

The resident of Prykarpattia is actively working and embroidering again. Her endurance and will to recovery serve as a great inspiration for other patients and specialists of the hospital, about the importance of teamwork and modern treatment methods.

Lviv Hospital of St. Luke is defined not only by the high professionalism of its medical staff, but also by the use of advanced technologies in surgical intervention. This case became an example of the high efficiency and success of their methods.

Ukraine can be proud of such talented and highly qualified medical specialists who are able not only to save lives, but also to give back to people the opportunity to enjoy the fullness of life. This case is a bright example of how medicine combines modern advances with human care and taking into account the individual needs of each patient.

This story becomes an example of the high professionalism and big heart of Lviv doctors, who not only saved Galina's life, but also gave her the opportunity to return to an active life and do her favorite things

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