02.11 - 11:37

Cooperation with the SBU: the discovery of an agent of the FSB of Russia in a beauty salon in the city of Izyum


Cooperation with the SBU: the discovery of an agent of the FSB of Russia in a beauty salon in the city of Izyum

Ukraine has always known about the need for caution, but recently the situation has become even more difficult. Now, not only when meeting strangers, but also when choosing services in beauty salons, you should think twice. The latest example of this was what happened in the small town of Izyum in the Kharkiv region.

The Security Service of Ukraine made a shocking discovery, exposing a Russian FSB agent among the owner of a beauty salon in Izyum. This woman, who looked completely innocent, tried to survive information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from her clients.

The story unfolded in the most unexpected way. The owner of the beauty salon invited her clients to regular procedures and discussions of fashion trends. However, it turned out that this was only a cover for her real mission - to collect information for the FSB.

The cooperation of the FSB agent with the enemy was secret and carried out in a big conspiracy. She tried to find out about the deployment of Ukrainian troops in the area of de-occupied Izyum, where Russian troops were carrying out aggression. This information could become extremely valuable for the enemy and endanger the security of Ukraine.

The timely reaction of the SBU was fortunate in this situation. The special services discovered this agent and exposed her dangerous activities. Despite the fact that cooperation with the enemy took place in the "shadows", the security forces were dedicated to ensuring the security of Ukraine. The main person involved in the case is a koloborant woman who fled to Belgorod during the de-occupation of the district in the Kharkiv region. Her accomplice was a friend who ran a beauty salon. That's when the idea was born to obtain information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the situation around Izyum through the above-mentioned institution with the help of its clients.

The SBU declared suspicion under Part 5 of Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to the main defendant in the case. Currently, the owner of the salon is detained. It is held under the article of unauthorized distribution of information about the movement, movement and location of units of the Armed Forces. The investigation continues. The owner of the salon faces up to 8 years in prison

This story is a reminder that threats to national security can take the most unexpected forms. Ukrainians should be careful and consider every step, because the enemy is always looking for opportunities to obtain information and undermine our security.

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