27.10 - 09:12

Secrets of aristocrats: colors in the wardrobe that make images elegant


Secrets of aristocrats: colors in the wardrobe that make images elegant

In the world of fashion, there are always colors that give the image luxury and sophistication. Aristocrats always know what colors to choose for their wardrobe to stand out from the crowd. In this article, we will consider the colors that make images "expensive" and give them an aristocratic charm.

  1. Crimson: Crimson is always associated with luxury and power. Historically, crimson fabrics were used by aristocrats for their images. It will help to create noticeable images that will not add a reddish color to the skin. Modern designers also use crimson to create images that look expensive and elegant.
  2. Golden glitter: The color gold has always been a symbol of wealth and luxury. By adding gold accents to your clothes or accessories, you can give your look an expensive look. Gold jewelry, brooches and heels will immediately enliven the image.
  3. Pastel blue and soft blue: These colors provide an opportunity to express your individuality and sense of style. They are combined with other popular colors of the season, such as milk, mustard, cherry red and soft pink, creating bright and harmonious images.
  4. Emerald Green: Green in clothing is always associated with nature and wealth. Emerald green is especially popular among aristocrats, as it gives the image freshness and sophistication. Dresses, shirts and trousers together with leather shoes in emerald color create a spectacular outfit.
  5. Burgundy: Burgundy is a color symbol of status and power. It adds depth and solidity to your image. Burgundy is suitable for both evening wear and everyday style.
  6. Pistachio: Thanks to the pistachio color, you will always look expensive and stylish, even in your everyday look. Choose a pistachio dress for a night out or a pistachio coat to add some luxury to your everyday style. And don't forget that this color choice goes well with other shades.

The choice of colors for the wardrobe is an important aspect of creating a style. These colors help to create an impression of luxury, elegance and power. Whether you are an aristocrat or just looking for ways to emphasize your style, these colors are always perfect for creating a precious look.

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