24.03 - 14:31

Male pattern baldness: Causes, types and treatments


Male pattern baldness: Causes, types and treatments

Male pattern baldness is a common phenomenon that affects many men. According to various studies, about 50% of men over the age of 50 face the problem of hair loss, and this problem can occur even earlier, depending on heredity and other factors. Baldness often becomes a source of psychological discomfort, as many men associate hair with youth and attractiveness. In this article, we will consider the main causes of baldness, the types of this phenomenon and ways to combat it.

Causes of baldness

There are several main reasons why men can start losing hair. The most common is androgenic alopecia, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. It is caused by increased levels of dihydrotestosterone, a derivative of testosterone that affects hair follicles. This type of baldness usually begins between the ages of 20 and 30 and can manifest itself in various ways. In addition, baldness can be caused by stress, malnutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as well as various diseases, such as autoimmune disorders or infectious diseases.

Types of baldness in men

The most common type of baldness in men is androgenetic alopecia. It is characterized by a gradual decrease in hair density on the forehead and crown. Such baldness can take various forms: from slight hair loss to complete hair loss on a large area of ​​the scalp. There are several other types of baldness, in particular, telogen effluvium (associated with stress or malnutrition), as well as alopecia that occurs due to skin diseases or hormonal changes.

How to treat baldness?

There are several methods of treating baldness, depending on its type and stage of development. The most effective are medications that help stimulate hair growth. One such drug is Minoxidil, which is used to treat androgenetic alopecia. It helps to dilate blood vessels and improve the nutrition of hair follicles, which stimulates the growth of new hair. Finasteride is also used to combat this problem, which reduces the level of dihydrotestosterone in the body, reducing the negative impact of this hormone on hair follicles.

Surgical methods of treatment

In the event that drug treatment does not give the desired results, surgical methods can be considered. One of the most effective is hair transplantation. During this procedure, healthy hair from other areas of the body, usually from the back of the head, is transplanted to areas where baldness has occurred. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and after its completion, the patient can return to his usual lifestyle. It should be noted that hair transplantation has a high success rate, but requires significant financial costs and time for rehabilitation.

Hair prevention and care

To prevent baldness, it is important to properly care for your hair and scalp. Regularly washing your hair with special products, avoiding stress and maintaining a healthy lifestyle - all this helps to maintain hair density. In addition, it is worth paying attention to nutrition, increasing the consumption of foods rich in vitamins A, E, group B, as well as minerals such as zinc and selenium. Special scalp massages and the use of various oils can also help improve blood circulation in the area of ​​​​hair follicles, which helps prevent hair loss.

The psychological aspect of baldness

Despite the fact that baldness is a physiological process, many men are worried about hair loss. Hair loss can significantly affect self-esteem and psychological state. It is important to understand that baldness does not always mean aging or loss of attractiveness. Many men who successfully cope with this problem choose stylish short haircuts or even shave their heads completely. Support from family, friends and even professionals can help men cope with this situation and feel more confident.

Thus, male pattern baldness is a common problem that has various causes and treatment options. It is important not only to seek professional treatment, but also to take proper care of your hair and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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