23.03 - 10:09
Why you can't completely give up salt: the importance of sodium for health| Здоровье
![]() Why you can't completely give up salt: the importance of sodium for health Salt is one of the main elements of our diet, and although we often hear about the dangers of excessive consumption, it is important to remember that giving it up 100% can also have serious health consequences. Water, sodium and other minerals are key to the normal functioning of the body, and salt is the main source of sodium. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance, and not completely eliminate it from the diet. Sodium, the main component of salt, plays an important role in maintaining water balance in the body. It helps maintain the proper level of fluid in cells and tissues, and also regulates osmotic pressure in the body. Without enough sodium in the blood, problems with the cardiovascular system can occur, which can lead to hypotension (low blood pressure) and other disorders. Lack of salt can also cause disorders of the nervous system. Sodium is necessary for the transmission of electrical impulses between nerves and muscles, which ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems. A lack of sodium can lead to headaches, weakness, nausea and even confusion. According to the World Health Organization, a person should consume a certain amount of sodium every day. The recommended norm is about 1.5 g of sodium, which is equivalent to 3.8 g of table salt. However, we usually get more salt through the consumption of processed foods that contain added salt. It is important not to exceed the recommended dose, as excess salt can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease and cardiovascular problems. However, completely abandoning salt is not the optimal solution. Since sodium is important for the normal functioning of the body, a lack of salt can disrupt the balance of minerals in the body, which over time will lead to serious consequences such as depression, loss of appetite and other disorders. However, it is worth noting that it is best to choose healthy sources of salt, such as sea salt or salt with a lower sodium content. To avoid excessive salt intake, it is worth paying attention to food labels and choosing products with minimal added salt. Instead of completely giving up salt, it is better to reduce its consumption and use natural seasonings that not only add flavor to dishes, but also have health benefits. Therefore, you cannot completely give up salt, as sodium is necessary for many body functions. It is important to maintain a balance and limit salt intake to a healthy level to ensure the proper functioning of the heart, nervous system and other organs. Ключевые слова:
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