15.03 - 11:20
Eating hot peppers to strengthen the heart: new scientific discoveries| Здоровье
![]() Eating hot peppers to strengthen the heart: new scientific discoveries Hot peppers, familiar to many spicy food lovers, can have not only a pleasant taste, but also a positive effect on heart health. Studies conducted in recent years show that regular consumption of hot peppers can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and even improve the overall condition of the cardiovascular system. One of the most significant studies was conducted in China and published in the journal Heart. Scientists collected health data on more than 500,000 people who consumed hot peppers for several years. The results showed that people who regularly consumed peppers had a 26% lower risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease compared to those who did not eat spicy foods. One of the key components of hot peppers is capsaicin - a chemical compound that gives peppers their spiciness. Capsaicin has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce inflammation in the body, which is an important factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. In addition, capsaicin helps improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels, which also has a positive effect on the heart. It is important to note that hot peppers can also be useful for controlling blood pressure. According to research, consuming capsaicin can help dilate blood vessels and facilitate blood flow, which in turn helps lower blood pressure. This discovery is especially important for people who suffer from hypertension or are prone to high blood pressure. An equally important aspect is the ability of hot peppers to improve metabolism. Consuming hot spices activates thermogenesis, a process during which the body produces more heat and burns calories. This can help with weight management, and losing excess weight, in turn, reduces the strain on the heart and blood vessels, which has a positive effect on their health. However, despite these numerous benefits, not everyone can tolerate spicy foods without harm to their health. People with certain diseases, such as gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, should be careful with the use of hot peppers. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is important to consume spices in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to undesirable consequences. Thus, hot peppers can become an important element of the diet for those who want to strengthen the heart and improve overall health. However, before adding it to your menu, it is important to consult a doctor to make sure that it is safe for your body. Ключевые слова:
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