11.03 - 10:38

The main causes of pelvic pain: analysis and possible diseases


The main causes of pelvic pain: analysis and possible diseases

Pelvic pain is a fairly common problem among people of all ages, and it can have many different causes. It can be both a symptom of serious diseases and a consequence of ordinary physical overload or injury. Determining the source of pain is important for establishing the correct diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment. Here are the most common causes of pelvic pain that patients consult doctors with.

One of the most common causes of pelvic pain is diseases of the genitourinary system. Inflammatory processes in the bladder, urethra or kidneys can lead to constant or periodic pain in the pelvic area. Cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones - all these diseases can be accompanied not only by pain, but also by other symptoms, such as fever, change in urine color and frequent urination.

Another cause of pelvic pain is gynecological diseases, especially in women. Menstrual disorders, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, and other problems can cause significant pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis. The pain can be chronic or occur during menstruation or after sexual intercourse. In addition to pain, these diseases can lead to fertility problems, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

According to statistics, problems with the intestines can also cause pelvic pain. Given that the intestines and pelvic cavity are parts of the same complex of organs, diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, or other digestive system disorders can cause discomfort in this area. In addition to pain, bloating, flatulence, and sometimes changes in bowel movements can occur.

Pelvic pain can also be the result of injuries or overstrain of muscles and ligaments. This often happens after exercise, accidents, or prolonged sitting. Injuries to the sacral spine, dislocations or muscle strains can be a source of pain that is referred to the pelvic area. Treatment of such pain often requires a comprehensive approach, including physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and medication.

Often, pelvic pain is a consequence of disorders of the nervous system, in particular, damage to the sciatic nerve or other peripheral nerves. This can cause a burning sensation, numbness or tingling in the pelvis and legs. Such problems may be associated with intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis or other pathologies of the spine.

In addition, in men, pelvic pain is often a symptom of prostatitis, prostate adenoma or other prostate diseases. The pain may be constant or worsen during urination or sexual intercourse. Other symptoms may include urinary incontinence, fever and general malaise. It is important to remember that such problems require qualified medical intervention.

In the event of pelvic pain, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause and choose the right treatment. After all, it can be a sign of both minor disorders and serious diseases that require surgical intervention. Regular medical examinations and timely treatment help maintain health and prevent possible complications.

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