05.03 - 10:39

Causes of Dry Eyes Revealed: What You Need to Know


Causes of Dry Eyes Revealed: What You Need to Know

Dry eyes are a common problem faced by people of all ages and genders. It is a condition in which the eyes feel uncomfortable, itchy, sensitive to light, and have a gritty feeling in the eyes. Doctors believe that there are several factors that can lead to dry eyes.

One of the main causes of dry eyes is working in front of a computer or other electronic devices. During long periods of screen use, we blink less often, which can dry out the surface of the eyes and reduce tear production.

Dry air can also cause eye discomfort. This is especially true during the winter, when the use of heating increases moisture evaporation. In such an environment, tears can evaporate faster, leaving the eyes dry.

Some medical conditions can also lead to dry eyes. For example, arthritis, allergies, and thyroid disease can affect tear production and increase the risk of dry eyes.

Certain risk factors, such as gender (women are more likely to experience this problem), age (the risk of dry eyes increases with age), and contact lens use, can also increase the likelihood of dry eyes.

A variety of methods can be used to treat dry eyes, including the use of artificial tears, protective eyewear, and lifestyle changes. If you experience persistent eye discomfort, it is recommended that you see a doctor for advice and treatment.

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