04.03 - 10:17
How to determine if you have diabetes: signs, risk factors and tips| Здоровье
![]() How to determine if you have diabetes: signs, risk factors and tips Diabetes is a serious disease that affects the body's ability to use glucose effectively, which can lead to various complications if left uncontrolled. Identifying a predisposition to this disease at an early stage is an important step in preventing or reducing health risks. In this article, we will look at how you can find out if you have a predisposition to diabetes and what risk factors you should consider. Signs that may indicate a risk of diabetes There are certain symptoms that may signal an increased likelihood of developing diabetes, in particular type 2 diabetes. Such signs include constant thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurred vision, rapid weight loss for no apparent reason. If you notice these symptoms, this may be the first signal to consult a doctor. Risk factors for diabetes It is important to pay attention to the main risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing diabetes. One of the most significant factors is genetic predisposition. If there are cases of diabetes in the family, the likelihood of its occurrence increases. In addition, the development of the disease is influenced by obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet (in particular, excessive consumption of sugar and fat), as well as stress and hormonal changes. How to determine the risk using tests There are several medical tests that can assess the risk of developing diabetes. One of the main ones is a blood glucose test. If the fasting glucose level exceeds 5.6 mmol/l, this may indicate a pre-diabetic state. In addition, the doctor may prescribe a glucose tolerance test, when the patient first takes the test on an empty stomach, and then after drinking a glucose solution. The importance of regular examinations Regular medical examinations are an important aspect of determining the predisposition to diabetes. If you belong to a risk group, it is worth periodically checking your blood sugar level and other health indicators. This will allow you to detect changes in the body at an early stage and take timely measures to prevent the development of diabetes. Diabetes Prevention: Healthy Lifestyle You can prevent diabetes by leading a healthy lifestyle. To do this, it is important to maintain a normal weight, engage in physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day), eat right (eat more vegetables, fruits, reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates) and avoid stress. Given that genetic predisposition is not modifiable, a healthy lifestyle is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Treating and controlling diabetes If diabetes has already been diagnosed, it is important to adhere to treatment and control blood sugar levels. Modern methods of treating diabetes include the use of insulin or oral medications to control glucose levels. In addition, it is important to follow a diet, exercise regularly and monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Knowing about your predisposition to diabetes and diagnosing the disease early can significantly reduce the risk of serious complications such as stroke, heart disease and kidney failure. Therefore, it is important not to ignore symptoms and to regularly check your health. Ключевые слова:
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