26.02 - 16:43
Major air pollutants in the home and their impact on health| Здоровье
![]() Major air pollutants in the home and their impact on health Air pollution is not just a problem in big cities or industrial areas. We often underestimate the impact of harmful substances contained in the air of our homes. These pollutants can seriously impair the quality of life and health, especially if we spend a lot of time at home. It is important to understand which harmful substances enter our environment in order to take measures to eliminate them in time. One of the biggest pollutants in the home is formaldehyde. This substance is often found in building materials, furniture, paints and varnishes. Formaldehyde is released into the air for a long time after the use of materials containing this component. It can cause headaches, dizziness, allergic reactions, and in the long term even serious respiratory diseases and cancer. Benzene, which is found in many household products such as solvents, varnishes and paints, is no less dangerous. It can enter the body through the respiratory tract and skin, causing headaches, weakness, and problems with the immune system. Chronic exposure to benzene can lead to serious blood disorders and even the development of leukemia. Tobacco smoke is another major indoor air pollutant. Even if no one is smoking directly indoors, harmful substances can remain on furniture, clothing, and other household items. Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemical compounds, many of which are carcinogens. Long-term exposure to this smoke can cause lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Modern home air purifiers, air conditioners, and air filters can sometimes become a source of additional pollution due to the accumulation of dust and bacteria in their filters. If they are not cleaned regularly, they can contribute to the spread of harmful microorganisms indoors. Filters in old air conditioners are particularly dangerous, as they can trap moisture and mold. Air pollution can also be caused by mold and mildew, which often grow in damp or poorly ventilated areas. Mold spores can be very harmful to the respiratory tract, causing asthma, allergies, and in some cases, serious lung diseases. It is important to regularly check the humidity in your home and get rid of mold in time. Dust is another factor that cannot be ignored. It accumulates on furniture, textiles, floors and other surfaces, especially in rooms with poor ventilation. Dust can contain harmful particles such as metal oxides, pesticides, as well as bacterial and fungal spores. Frequent cleaning and ventilation of rooms can significantly reduce the level of dust in the house. Air pollution in the house is not only an unpleasant problem, but also a serious health threat. Following simple rules, such as regular ventilation, cleaning filters in household appliances, and timely elimination of sources of pollution, can significantly improve air quality and reduce the negative impact on the body. Ключевые слова:
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