25.02 - 14:08
Hormones that hinder weight loss: how they affect your efforts| Здоровье
![]() Hormones that hinder weight loss: how they affect your efforts Achieving your desired weight can be much more complicated than simply counting calories and exercising. Many of us have difficulty losing weight, and sometimes the reason for this lies not in a lack of motivation or willpower, but in the fact that our hormones are working against us. In this article, we will look at a few key hormones that can interfere with weight loss. One such hormone is cortisol. It is often called the stress hormone, as it is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stressful situations. High levels of cortisol can lead to the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdominal area. Stress and chronic overexertion cause an increase in this hormone, which in turn contributes to increased appetite, especially for sweet and fatty foods. This can significantly complicate the weight loss process. In addition, constantly elevated levels of cortisol can affect the quality of sleep, which further complicates the fight against weight loss. The next hormone to mention is insulin. This hormone is produced by the pancreas and plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels. When we eat foods high in carbohydrates or sugar, insulin levels rise, which promotes fat storage. Chronically high insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance, where the body’s cells stop responding to insulin. This disrupts the metabolism and makes it harder to burn fat. A balanced diet low in sugar and simple carbohydrates can help normalize insulin levels. Leptin is another hormone that plays a role in weight loss. Leptin regulates appetite and energy levels by signaling the brain that the body is full. However, people who are overweight often develop leptin resistance, a condition in which the body does not respond to leptin’s signal. This leads to a constant feeling of hunger, even when the body has plenty of fat. Leptin resistance can make it much harder to lose weight, as a person does not feel full and is prone to overeating. Ghrelin is another hormone that directly affects appetite. It is produced by the stomach and stimulates hunger. Ghrelin levels increase when the body needs food and decrease after eating. In people trying to lose weight, ghrelin levels can remain high for a long time, causing a constant feeling of hunger and the desire to eat more than necessary. Elevated ghrelin levels can become a serious obstacle to achieving the desired weight. In addition to these hormones, we should not forget about estrogen and testosterone, which also have an effect on metabolism. In women, estrogen levels usually decrease with age, especially during menopause, which can lead to increased fat deposits, especially in the abdominal area. In men, in turn, a decrease in testosterone levels can lead to increased fat mass and decreased muscle mass. Knowing about the hormones that affect weight loss can help you better understand why sometimes even a healthy diet and regular exercise don't produce the desired results. It's important to remember that hormonal balance can be restored with proper nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and adequate sleep. If you suspect that your hormones may be the cause of your weight loss problems, it's a good idea to see a doctor for testing and to develop an individualized strategy to combat this problem. Ключевые слова:
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