11.02 - 11:32
Early Signs of Dementia in Speech: How to Recognize Problems Early| Здоровье
![]() Early Signs of Dementia in Speech: How to Recognize Problems Early Dementia is a serious disorder that affects a person's cognitive functions, including memory, decision-making, and speech. Early signs of dementia can often be subtle, but it's important to pay attention to changes in speech in the early stages. Recognizing these symptoms can help you seek medical attention and begin treatment that can help alleviate your condition. One of the first signs of dementia is a decrease in the ability to express yourself clearly. A person who previously had no problems with speech may begin to stutter, pause while searching for the right words, or use general phrases instead of specific terms. This may be a result of the brain no longer being able to find the right words or process information as quickly. Another characteristic sign is repeating the same questions or stories. A person may keep coming back to the same topics, even if these questions have already been asked or answered. This behavior is a signal that memory and cognition processes are changing, and the brain cannot retain new information. Changes in the structure of speech can also be warning signs of dementia. For example, the patient may begin to use words in the wrong context or replace them with synonyms that do not quite fit the situation. This leads to the fact that his speech becomes less understandable to others, and communication with him becomes more difficult. Another sign may be the ability to understand complex phrases or instructions. The person may not understand the meaning of long sentences or words with multiple meanings. This may manifest itself in the fact that he tries to avoid difficult situations where it is necessary to understand and answer complex questions. No less important is the observation of changes in the pace and intonation of speech. With the onset of dementia, people may begin to speak very slowly or, conversely, speed up their speech to the point that it becomes less understandable. Disruption of the normal rhythm of speech may be a sign that cognitive functions are impaired. If such symptoms appear, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Timely consultation with a specialist can help determine the cause of speech problems and, if necessary, begin treatment that will slow the progression of dementia and improve the patient's quality of life.
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