05.02 - 14:11
Symptoms of jaw arthritis: how to recognize and treat the disease| Здоровье
![]() Symptoms of jaw arthritis: how to recognize and treat the disease Jaw arthritis is an inflammatory disease that can cause pain and discomfort in the lower face. This condition usually causes difficulty chewing, opening the mouth, and can also be accompanied by other symptoms that significantly affect the quality of life. Recognizing jaw arthritis is important for timely treatment and preventing complications. One of the main symptoms of jaw arthritis is pain in the jaw joint, which may increase when trying to chew or talk. The feeling of pain is usually localized in the lower face, but sometimes it can radiate to the ear or neck. The pain often feels like a throbbing or aching, and can vary depending on the activity of the joint. Another characteristic symptom is limited jaw mobility. A person with jaw arthritis may have difficulty opening the mouth or trying to chew solid food. The lack of normal jaw movement can cause discomfort and limitations in daily life, as chewing and talking become painful or uncomfortable. Often, jaw arthritis also causes crunching or clicking sounds in the jaw joints. These sounds can occur during movement, especially when opening or closing the mouth. They indicate that the structure of the joint has changed, and this can be a symptom of inflammation or damage to the tissues of the joint. In addition, jaw arthritis may be accompanied by swelling or redness in the joint area. In the case of inflammation of the tissues, the joint may swell, which further complicates mobility and can lead to pain even at rest. This phenomenon is usually observed in the early stages of the disease and requires proper treatment to prevent progression. Sometimes jaw arthritis can be associated with general symptoms of inflammation, such as fever or fatigue. In such cases, it is important to consult a doctor, as this may indicate other concomitant problems related to the immune system or other organs. Treatment of jaw arthritis includes both drug and non-drug methods. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also important to perform special exercises to strengthen the joint and reduce the load on it. In some cases, surgery may be required, especially if there is serious damage to the joint tissues. Jaw arthritis is a serious disease that requires timely medical attention. If you experience pain or discomfort in the jaw area, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. The earlier the correct diagnosis is made, the faster and more effectively complications can be prevented. Ключевые слова:
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