02.02 - 20:19
Why Doctors Don't Recommend Washing Every Day: A New Look at Hygiene| Здоровье
Why Doctors Don't Recommend Washing Every Day: A New Look at Hygiene Performing daily hygiene is one of the most ingrained practices in modern life. However, recently, some doctors and dermatologists have come out with the idea that constant body washing may not be as beneficial as we used to believe. Do we really need to wash every day? Let's consider this issue in more detail. One of the main reasons why doctors do not always recommend daily washing is that frequent use of detergents disrupts the natural balance of the skin. Every part of the body, including the face, has beneficial bacteria on its surface that protect against harmful microorganisms. However, frequent washing with soap can wash away these bacteria, leaving the skin more vulnerable to infections, irritations and allergies. In particular, dermatologists emphasize that the skin has its own natural fat barrier that performs a protective function. When this barrier is destroyed by excessive washing, the skin becomes drier, flaky and may even start to itch. This is especially true for people with dry or sensitive skin. They may find that after washing daily, their skin loses moisture, which can lead to its deterioration. In addition, not all areas of the body need to be washed daily. For example, areas that do not have a large number of sweat glands, such as the neck or back, can be treated with water without soap once or twice a week. While the armpits, groin, hands and feet do need to be washed more frequently due to the increased activity of the sweat glands and the potential for dirt accumulation. In this regard, doctors advise paying attention to skin type and activity. For those who play sports or are often in high temperature conditions, daily washing may be necessary. However, for those who are not exposed to such loads, it is possible to limit hygiene procedures to a few times a week. Finally, an important aspect is the choice of detergents. Doctors recommend choosing mild, hypoallergenic products that do not disrupt the skin's natural barrier. It is also important not to forget about moisturizing after washing, as this helps restore the skin's protective layer and prevent it from drying out. Instead of daily washing, doctors call for attention to other aspects of hygiene, such as proper nutrition, sufficient sleep and regular physical activity, which contribute to the overall health of the skin and the body. The choice of a skin care strategy should be individual and take into account various factors, including skin condition, lifestyle and external conditions. Thus, although the habit of washing daily has its history and importance, doctors insist that excessive washing is not always beneficial. A healthy approach to hygiene is not necessarily daily washing, but correctly maintaining the balance between cleanliness and the natural protective function of the skin. Ключевые слова:
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