30.01 - 21:16
Dangers of protein deficiency: advice from doctors| Здоровье
![]() Dangers of protein deficiency: advice from doctors A protein deficiency in the body can have serious health consequences, as doctors recently reported. Protein is critically important for many functions in the body, and its deficiency can cause various problems. Firstly, protein deficiency can lead to impaired immune system function. Proteins are the basis for the creation of antibodies that fight infections and diseases. Without enough protein, the body becomes more vulnerable to diseases and infections. Secondly, protein deficiency negatively affects tissue growth and repair. Protein is necessary for the repair of muscles, skin and other tissues. Therefore, people who do not get enough protein may experience delayed wound healing and a decrease in muscle mass. Thirdly, protein deficiency can provoke metabolic disorders. Proteins are involved in many metabolic processes, so their deficiency can lead to metabolic problems and general deterioration of health. Fourthly, protein deficiency can be especially dangerous for children. In children, it can lead to growth and development delays, which in turn will affect their future health and physical condition. Fifth, low-protein diets can cause weight problems. Protein is an important component for maintaining muscle mass, and its deficiency can lead to increased body fat and muscle loss. Recently, doctors recommend carefully monitoring the balance of proteins in the diet to avoid the possible consequences of their deficiency. Timely detection and correction of this condition can prevent many serious health problems. Ключевые слова:
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