23.01 - 09:07
Where does tinnitus come from and how to deal with it: a review of the causes and methods of treatment| Здоровье
![]() Where does tinnitus come from and how to deal with it: a review of the causes and methods of treatment Tinnitus, or tinnitus, is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in every fifth person. Although this condition can occur for various reasons, it is always accompanied by one and the same unpleasant symptom - the sensation of sounds that do not actually exist. It can be ringing, buzzing, noise, whistling or even pulsation in one or both ears. Studies show that tinnitus is more common in middle-aged and older people, but this does not exclude the possibility of its occurrence in younger patients. The main causes of tinnitus are diverse. One of the most common is damage to the hearing aid due to exposure to loud sounds. This can happen during prolonged exposure to noisy environments, for example, at concerts or when working with heavy machinery. Damage to the inner ear or sound cells can lead to impaired transmission of sound waves to the brain, which causes the feeling of noise. Those who have a professional experience working in noisy environments, such as musicians or construction workers, are at particularly high risk. Other factors that can contribute to the development of tinnitus include age-related changes in the body. As we age, the functionality of the auditory cells decreases, and even minor damage can lead to noise. Circulatory disorders, high blood pressure, and vascular diseases can also contribute to the occurrence of tinnitus. Such problems can cause pulsatile tinnitus, in which the noise in the ears coincides with the pulsation of the heart. Another cause can be infectious diseases, in particular inflammation of the middle ear, which is accompanied by pain and hearing loss. Allergies and sulfur plugs can also provoke tinnitus, although this is not as serious a problem as other factors. However, it is worth noting that tinnitus can also be a consequence of stress, depression, or anxiety. Psychological factors not only increase the perception of noise, but can also directly contribute to its occurrence. If your tinnitus comes on suddenly or lasts for more than a few days, it is important to see a doctor. A specialist will usually carry out a series of tests to determine the cause of your tinnitus. This may include audiometry, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment depends on the cause found: if the noise is caused by an infection or other underlying medical condition, appropriate therapy will be prescribed. There are various ways to reduce or even get rid of tinnitus. It is important to maintain good hearing, avoid noise exposure, and wear hearing protection when necessary. For people with persistent tinnitus, there are also specialized treatments available, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and the use of sound maskers to help reduce the sensation of noise. For some people, physiotherapy or medications that improve blood circulation in the ears are effective. Although tinnitus can be an unpleasant and sometimes debilitating symptom, there are always ways to treat and relieve the condition. If you consult a doctor in time, you can determine the root cause of this phenomenon and take appropriate measures to prevent the development of more serious problems. Ключевые слова:
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