18.01 - 10:31
Where do chapped lips come from and how to get rid of them| Здоровье
![]() Where do chapped lips come from and how to get rid of them Chaps on the lips are an unpleasant phenomenon that many people face. These small cracks or inflammations at the corners of the lips can cause pain and discomfort. They often occur due to various factors, and each of them has its own specific treatment. In this article, we will look at the main causes of chapped lips and how to treat them. One of the most common causes of chapped lips is a fungal infection, specifically candidiasis. This disease causes an overgrowth of the fungus of the genus Candida, which can appear on the skin and mucous membranes, including the lips. Candidiasis can occur due to a weakened immune system, poor diet, or poor hygiene. In addition, the disease often develops in people who wear dentures, especially if they are not properly cared for. Another common cause is a deficiency of vitamins, in particular B vitamins. A lack of vitamins B2 (riboflavin) or B6 (pyridoxine) often leads to the development of cracks in the corners of the lips. This can be a consequence of malnutrition, stress or previous illnesses. Another important factor is dehydration, which makes the skin of the lips dry and more vulnerable to the appearance of cracks. Long before the appearance of fungal or vitamin problems, cracks can be caused by mechanical causes. For example, people who often lie on their side or press on their lips can create pressure on the corners, which causes microtrauma of the skin. In such cases, cracks usually occur against the background of constant irritation of the skin or a decrease in its elasticity. Cracks often appear due to a decrease in immunity, which causes a tendency to various infections, including bacterial ones. Diseases that weaken the immune system, such as diabetes, can contribute to the appearance of inflammation on the lips. In addition, people who suffer from allergies may also experience pain and discomfort due to skin irritation. If the bumps appear due to a vitamin deficiency or nutritional deficiency, it is important to pay attention to diet correction. Eating more foods rich in B vitamins, such as dairy products, meat, eggs and cereals, will help prevent such problems. You should also pay attention to sufficient water intake to prevent dehydration. Treatment of bumps depends on the cause of their appearance. To treat fungal infections, a doctor may prescribe antifungal ointments or creams. In case of vitamin deficiency, you can use vitamin complexes, as well as increase your intake of foods containing the necessary nutrients. It is also important to ensure proper lip hygiene and avoid irritants so as not to worsen the condition. So, bumps on the lips can have different causes, and each of them requires its own approach to treatment. Following a proper diet, proper hygiene and attention to your health will allow you to quickly get rid of this problem and prevent its recurrence. Ключевые слова:
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