26.12 - 11:26
The negative impact of weather on joint health: why bones hurt when the climate changes| Здоровье
![]() The negative impact of weather on joint health: why bones hurt when the climate changes Many people experience an exacerbation of joint pain during weather changes. And although it is often perceived as a "special sensitivity", in fact, there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. The weather can indeed affect our well-being, and changes in atmospheric pressure, humidity or temperature can cause or worsen joint pain. Let's look at why this happens, and why some people hear "pants" in their joints on bad weather days. One of the main reasons why people experience joint pain during weather changes is the effect of atmospheric pressure. When atmospheric pressure changes, for example, before rain or during sudden changes in temperature, joints, especially those that are exposed to high loads, begin to react to these changes. In healthy people, such pressure fluctuations should not cause significant problems, but for those with chronic joint diseases, such changes can lead to pain. Changed air temperature is also an important factor. For example, cold weather causes blood vessels to constrict, which can increase pressure on joints, which in turn leads to pain. This is especially noticeable in people who suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other diseases that affect the joints. In addition, when the weather is cold, the production of synovial fluid, the natural lubrication in the joints, can decrease, which also contributes to pain and discomfort. Another factor is humidity. High humidity, especially on rainy or foggy days, can worsen the condition of the joints because it increases the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the tissues of the joints. This can lead to a feeling of pain, "gagging" or stiffness. In addition, humidity increases the likelihood of swelling in the joints, which puts additional strain on the body and exacerbates the symptoms of joint diseases. Joint pain in bad weather is quite common among older people, as well as those who already have injuries or chronic joint diseases. Doctors explain this by the fact that over time, joints wear out and their stability is more affected by external factors. In people with arthritis or osteoarthritis, cartilage can be damaged, which makes joints more vulnerable to changes in the environment. There are several ways to relieve joint pain during bad weather. For example, physical activity and regular exercise can help maintain joint flexibility and improve blood circulation, which reduces pain. Warm baths, massages, or special gels and ointments that have a warming effect can also provide relief. However, in case of severe pain and chronic diseases, it is worth consulting a doctor for qualified help. Although weather changes can really affect the condition of our joints, it is important to remember that this is not the only factor that determines how we feel. In addition to weather conditions, nutrition, physical activity level, stress and general health play an important role. All of these factors together affect our well-being, and only a comprehensive approach allows you to effectively combat joint pain. Therefore, if you notice that the weather really affects your joints, it is important to pay attention to your health as a whole. Climate change may be just one factor that causes pain, but with the right approach and attention to your body, you can significantly reduce discomfort. Ключевые слова:
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