23.12 - 16:35
Methods of calculating the ideal weight: how to find your optimal figure| Здоровье
![]() Methods of calculating the ideal weight: how to find your optimal figure Finding your ideal weight is one of the most popular topics in health and fitness. Although the term "ideal weight" may sound abstract, there are several methods for determining it, each of which takes into account different parameters of the human body. In this article, we will consider the best-known methods of calculating the ideal weight, which allow not only to estimate a healthy weight, but also help in achieving optimal physical condition. 1. Body mass index (BMI) One of the most popular methods of calculating ideal weight is the Body Mass Index, or BMI. This indicator is calculated using a simple formula: weight (in kilograms) is divided by the square of height (in meters). BMI allows you to determine whether a person's weight is within healthy limits. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, BMI values between 18.5 and 24.9 are considered normal. An index below 18.5 indicates underweight, and above 30 indicates obesity. 3. David's formulas Another way to calculate the ideal weight is David's formulas, which were developed in the middle of the 20th century. For men, weight is calculated according to the formula: weight = 50 + 0.75 * (height in centimeters - 150). Similar calculations are used for women, but instead of 50, 45.5 is subtracted. These formulas are more accurate because they take into account differences between the sexes. However, as in the case of Brock's formula, they do not take into account the complexity of the body structure, for example, muscle mass. 4. Calculation of the ideal weight using the volume of the chest The method of calculating the ideal weight based on the volume of the chest takes into account the physiological characteristics of the individual in more detail. According to this method, the ideal weight is determined by the parameters of the chest and its girth. There are various variants of this method, but the most popular are calculations that take into account the volume of the chest at the level of the nipples. According to this methodology, the ideal weight for women is 45 + 0.75 * chest girth (in centimeters), and for men - 50 + 0.9 * chest girth (in centimeters). This method can be useful for people with excellent muscle mass. 5. Walther's method Walter's method is one of the formulas that allows you to calculate the ideal weight taking into account gender, age and physical activity. In this case, the ideal weight is defined as body weight according to standard indicators for each person. For example, for men, the weight is usually set at 48-50 kg for people with a height of 165 cm, and for women of the same height - 43-45 kg. At the same time, for people with a higher level of physical activity, the weight may be greater. 6. Ideal weight using a centimeter tape One of the methods that is gaining popularity among physical trainers and nutritionists is the use of a centimeter tape. The idea is to calculate waist and hip circumferences and compare these with physiological norms for different age groups and genders. This approach allows you to take into account not only the total weight, but also the distribution of adipose tissue, which is an important indicator of health. Calculating your ideal weight is an important aspect of maintaining health and fitness. However, it is worth remembering that none of the methods gives a 100% accurate result, because each organism is unique. The ideal weight should be determined individually, taking into account age, gender, level of physical activity and other factors. Regardless of the method, it is important to maintain a balance between weight and health, striving to maintain optimal physical condition. Ключевые слова:
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