22.12 - 11:27

Food and gout: which foods protect the joints and which destroy them


Food and gout: which foods protect the joints and which destroy them

Gout is a chronic disease that occurs due to a violation of purine metabolism in the body, which leads to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. It is accompanied by pain, inflammation and limitation of joint mobility. One of the main factors influencing the development of gout is nutrition. The right choice of products can not only help in the treatment of this disease, but also significantly reduce the risk of its exacerbation. Let's consider which foods promote joint health, and which can worsen the condition of gout.

Products that reduce the level of uric acid

With gout, it is especially important to control the level of uric acid in the blood, because its excess leads to the formation of crystals that settle in the joints and cause painful attacks. Some foods can help reduce the concentration of this acid and reduce the likelihood of gout flare-ups.

Such products include:

Water. Drinking enough water helps to remove uric acid from the body through the urinary tract, which helps to reduce its concentration in the blood.

Watermelon. Due to the high content of water and potassium, watermelon helps to reduce the level of uric acid.

Cherry and cherry juice. Scientific studies have shown that these foods can help lower uric acid levels and prevent gout attacks.

Low-protein dairy products. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheeses can reduce uric acid levels and even reduce the likelihood of gout.

Products that increase the level of uric acid

It is also important for people with gout to know which foods can cause uric acid levels to rise in the body. These are, in particular, foods rich in purines — compounds that the body converts into uric acid.

Such products include:

Red meat. Beef, pork, lamb and game are high in purines, which can lead to increased uric acid levels.

Seafood. Crustaceans, shellfish, oysters and fish, particularly anchovies and sardines, are also sources of purines, which contribute to the development of gout.

Alcohol. Beer and spirits, especially red wine, can increase the level of uric acid in the body because alcohol prevents its excretion.

Foods with a high fructose content. Fizzy drinks, sugary juices, and some high-fructose desserts can also contribute to elevated uric acid levels.

Negative effects of fast food and processed foods

In addition to foods rich in purines, some other eating habits can also worsen gout. In particular, fast food and processed foods high in trans fats, salt, and sugar can increase inflammation in the body, which contributes to joint pain and swelling. Regular consumption of such foods can aggravate gout symptoms and even contribute to weight gain, which in turn puts strain on the joints.

Balanced nutrition as the basis of treatment

One of the key aspects of managing gout is a balanced diet. Preference should be given to products that help control uric acid levels and reduce inflammation. This includes:

Fruits and vegetables. They are important sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that promote joint health.

Whole grain products. They contain a lot of fiber, which helps reduce uric acid levels.

Lean proteins. Proteins from fish, skinless chicken, legumes and nuts can be good for gout because they contain less purines.

Recommendations for preventing exacerbations

To reduce the risk of gout flare-ups, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition to proper nutrition, you should pay attention to physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding stress. Regular walks, stretching exercises and moderate physical activity will help maintain the mobility of the joints and improve the general condition of the body.

In general, nutrition is very important for people suffering from gout. Excluding foods that increase the level of uric acid and including those that reduce its level can help significantly improve the condition of the joints and reduce the frequency of exacerbations of this disease.

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