14.12 - 17:38
Urine as an indicator of health: what you need to know| Здоровье
![]() Urine as an indicator of health: what you need to know Urine is an important biological waste that the body excretes through the urinary tract. However, few of us know that its analysis can tell a lot about the state of our health. Urine contains numerous substances, including toxins, metabolic waste and other products formed in the body. Assessment of its composition and properties allows us to detect various diseases at an early stage. One of the main indicators that doctors pay attention to when examining urine is its color. Usually, urine has a yellow tint, which depends on the concentration of urochromes - pigments formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin. Changes in color can indicate various disorders. For example, dark yellow or red urine can indicate problems with the liver, kidneys or even the presence of blood in the urine. Pale or colorless urine is often a sign that a person is drinking a lot of fluid. In addition to color, the condition of urine is also affected by its smell and transparency. Normal urine has a weak odor, but in some diseases it can become more pungent or unpleasant. For example, if the urine has an ammonia odor, this may indicate a urinary tract infection or impaired kidney function. If the urine is cloudy, this may be a sign of the presence of bacteria, mucus or blood, which requires additional examination. Another important parameter is the acidity of the urine. The normal pH level of urine varies between 4.5 and 8. Changes in the acid-base balance can be a sign of various diseases. For example, very acidic urine can indicate the formation of kidney stones or diabetes, and alkaline urine can indicate urinary tract infections or problems with kidney function. Particular attention should also be paid to the amount of urine that a person excretes during the day. A volume of 800 to 2,000 ml per day is considered normal. An increase or decrease in this volume can indicate various disorders, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney problems, or dehydration. Equally important is the excretion of protein and glucose in the urine. Normally, these substances should not appear in the urine, but their presence can indicate serious problems. The presence of protein can be a signal of kidney disease or impaired kidney function, while glucose in the urine is a characteristic sign of diabetes. A urinalysis is an important tool for diagnosing many diseases. However, it does not give a complete picture, and additional studies are often necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is important to undergo regular examinations and pay attention to changes in urine, because sometimes these changes can be the first signal of serious health problems. Ключевые слова:
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