09.12 - 11:16
Plant-based protein reduces heart disease risk by 27%| Здоровье
Plant-based protein reduces heart disease risk by 27% A recent study found that consuming plant-based protein can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart disease. According to the analysis, people who regularly consume plant-based protein have a 27% lower risk of developing heart disease. This discovery is an important step in understanding how diet can affect heart health and overall health. The study was conducted by an international team of scientists who analyzed data from more than 200,000 people. The study participants had different dietary habits, and the scientists compared the effects of consuming plant-based protein with animal-based protein. It turned out that people who chose protein from plant sources had significantly lower rates of heart disease, compared to those who consumed more animal protein. One of the main reasons for this difference is that plant-based proteins are often accompanied by low levels of saturated fat and high fiber. This is an important factor, as saturated fats can cause plaque to build up in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Fiber, in turn, helps maintain vascular health by lowering blood cholesterol levels and improving metabolism. Plant sources of protein include legumes, nuts, seeds and grains. Such products not only provide the body with essential amino acids, but are also rich in beneficial trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen the heart and blood vessels. In addition, plant proteins help maintain a normal weight, which is also an important factor in preventing cardiovascular disease. The study also showed that those who consume more plant protein tend to lead healthier lifestyles overall. They are more physically active, consume fewer processed foods and smoke less. All of these factors together contribute to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and improved overall health. Despite the positive results of the study, experts warn that it is important to have a balanced diet. Including plant-based proteins in your diet does not mean completely eliminating animal products. However, increasing your intake of plant-based proteins can be an important step towards maintaining heart health and improving your overall quality of life. These results confirm the importance of switching to a healthier diet that includes a lot of plant-based foods. More attention to nutrition can help significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lead a healthier and more active life. Ключевые слова:
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