08.12 - 06:52
Scientists have identified the main factors contributing to insomnia| Здоровье
Scientists have identified the main factors contributing to insomnia Insomnia is one of the most common problems in modern society, and many of us face difficulties in sleeping at least from time to time. Scientists have been actively studying the causes of sleep disorders in recent years. Recent studies have identified a number of main factors that cause or aggravate insomnia. In particular, these factors include stress, poor diet, lack of physical activity and certain medical conditions. The first and most important factor that negatively affects the quality of sleep is stress. Scientists note that constant tension, anxiety, depressive disorders and unresolved psychological problems can significantly worsen sleep. This causes increased production of the hormone cortisol, which, in turn, affects the ability to fall asleep and the depth of sleep. Problems with emotional state are the main causes of chronic insomnia, which can last for weeks or even months. Another important factor is malnutrition. In particular, consuming large amounts of caffeine or heavy meals before bed can cause insomnia. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some energy drinks, stimulates the nervous system, making it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, scientists recommend limiting the consumption of such products in the evening. Physical activity can also have a big impact on sleep. Insufficient physical activity during the day can lead to the body not feeling the physical fatigue necessary for normal sleep. In contrast, regular moderate physical activity helps reduce stress levels and improves the overall condition of the body, which contributes to healthy sleep. Another cause of insomnia is medical conditions. For example, chronic pain, breathing problems such as sleep apnea, or even cardiovascular disease can significantly worsen the quality of sleep. Scientists also note that certain medications can cause side effects that interfere with normal sleep. Therefore, people suffering from insomnia should consult a doctor about possible causes and methods of treatment. In addition, a change in biorhythms is an important factor. Modern life, in particular the use of technologies that create additional stress on the body, can disrupt normal sleep and wakefulness cycles. Bright screens of phones and computers before bedtime can delay the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for the natural sleep cycle. This leads to difficulties falling asleep. Thus, scientists have identified a number of factors that may be the main culprits of insomnia. Timely identification and correction of these problems can significantly improve the quality of life and health. After all, healthy sleep is not only rest for the body, but also an important aspect of a person’s mental and emotional well-being. Ключевые слова:
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